Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Full Friday

Full Friday

   Hi everyone, sorry I have not been posting anything in a while. But guest what, on February/17/2016  it was Crazy Hat and Hair Day. It`s also The 100 Day Of school.

These are my friends wearing their crazy eyes
    For Crazy Hat and hair day my teacher made crazy eyes for everyone, well that`s what I call them, and I am going to teach you how to make one. You`ll  need pipe cleaners and some googly eyes and a hot glue gun. First get a googly eye and with the glue gun attached it to the pipe cleaner. Then attached another googly eye to the other side of the googly eye. That`s how you make a crazy eye.

For the 100th day of school the entire school try to find as much 100 dollars word. 100 dollar words are words that equal to 100 dollars. Well technically we get a sheet of paper and on that sheet it shows all the letters of the alphabet. Each alphabet has a number, so you combined the letters to get a word that equals to 100. Each grade is competing against each other. The prize is a pizza party. But they still have`nt announce the winner.

  I hope you had a wonderful Friday just like I did, bye!

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